Thursday, May 20, 2010



Let me complain for 20 seconds yeah. I am so dead tired from the three consecutive trips I just had. I has a cruise with Jia Yi, rested one night, went for summit, rested two nights, then went for OBS, came back, died, and then jerked awake. Time.

This post is about summit and what i learnt, hopefully i'll be able to apply it.

First the experience:
On the first day we went trekking up mountain, and trekked back to base via a river. It was pretty awesome. The forests were beautiful, the air was fresh, I pretty much learnt that you can reach high emotional states from something as inanimate as a rock. Or a million rocks. There were so many damned rocks that I thought they reproduced. the moss growing on them didn't help, making them so slippery that I thought the day would end with me falling down on my ass so hard I would shit rocks the next day. We also abseiled down a steep wall face, which I pretty much aced (as opposed to elaine, who tried to make babies with the rock wall all the way down) Before going down I thought to myself: What would mrs kiong tell me to do to not get raped by the wall? Back straight, legs locked and perpendicular to the face, and stay relaxed and adapting. Boomshakalaka. I managed to abseil.

The next day we had caving and white water rafting. Nothing interesting besides the fact that it was pretty damned fun. I attempted a double back tuck off a branch into the river, but only managed to hit 1.5 before slamming into the water headfirst. still kinda fun though.

Aight enough of the narcissism. What we learnt over there was themed around the seven habits. however, the lessons were pretty superficial but useful. My dad has the book on the seven habits and i'll read one a day for the next week and blog down each habit, as well as how we can apply them to the team. So hope anyone reading this can give input as well.

Gotta run. Ciao

Cheer hard
Alpha Joe

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