Friday, May 21, 2010

22 May 2010

Training is still at a snails pace and I hope things pick up soon

To talk about stunts: I would like to focus on my toss to hands. I think my toss to hands is pretty inconsistent, and i need to buck up on my strength. I was trying to switch to the liberty grip on the extension too, but I keep failing, I think partly due to fatigue, and also I wasn't boosting hard enough to give myself enough airtime. Thanks to Patricia for putting up with my bumbling.

I was disappointed with the safety level of the team today. I think that everyone came back very fired up and ready to hit the high levels after OBS, but we must get back down to earth and realise that injuries are not very far away and can happen anytime.

I would also like to apologise to Pat for the way i singlestunted with her in front of ochi and hui shen. I htink i was too eager to impress them and stunted dangerously, doing stunts before communicating to the flyer. It was dangerous and i apologise and i hope not to do it again

Hope the teams grasps this reality of the dangers of cheerleading again before its too late

Cheer hard
Alpha Joe

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