Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey guys,

sorry for the long lapse in posts. Been a crazy time with exams and and crap, but here is a post about the stuff I've been trying to hit recently.

Tick tock high high.
Been playing around with this. I think to hit a tick tock my core needs to be 3 times stronger. The shock I get when I catch the flyer, especially at high high, is amazing and my core needs to be ready for the impact. Will take some training but as all things its just a matter of time and effort. The pop is fine, though sometimes I pop sideways, and the catch is alright... just can't take the shock.

Tick tock low high
This is more promising. The catch is lighter since the flyer is on her way up, not down. Just need to increase my stunt feel because if the burst is off, so will be the flyer.

Toss liberty
The catch is inconsistent. I have an instinct to clam down on the flers foot, which causes her to be on my thumbs.I need to get it in my instinct to slam straight into the liberty grip and keep it there high and tight.

Finger injured. Meh.

Rewind(with Mic)
Tried this out for the first time today. Disastrous. No height, no rotation. Would be impossible without some guidance. And a lot more strength.

Cheers Guys
Alpha joe

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