I'm so so sorry for not putting a post up all month. You see I
- Just got a new macbook
- Have been crazy busy with schoolwork
That I just couldn't find the time to upload a vid. Also, I did a vid, but somehow I can't upload it so here is an old school typed blog.
I've been training hard, and things are on and off for me.
In tumbling, I've been undergoing a lot of reprogramming. What I mean is that one thing I realise is that I have a sever disadvantage, which is that I have many well fixed bad habits when it comes to tumbling, especially in the jump for a standing tuck. What I'm doing very aggressively now is that I am reprogramming, trying to kick out bad habits and replace them with new ones.
One thing that I realised about myself is that I'm always scared to take the final step, especially in tumbling. I'll go go go with drills and basics, and when it comes to actually doing it I somehow run away, and do it shittily. I've really thought about it and I realised that its not because I'm scared, but I didn't believe in myself, that I didn't think I can do it despite all my basics being there, and now I should just believe in what I've trained and throw it. It has so far worked out for round off tucks.
Stunts wise I feel my basics are becoming more rigid. Here we stick to basic stunts and focus on hitting them really perfectly, which is also fine by me. Those are important too.
Sorry I'm a bit drunk.
One thing I learnt here that went opposite to what I previously thought was fighting for a stunt. I was taught here to fight a stunt with my upperbody instead of the lower body, so the flyer doesn't feel like she's on an earthquake. I'm still not sure about this and I'm trying this out, but its a lso a sign that I may have been wrong so anyone I tipped to fight with lower body do try out both ways and see what works.
I've cheered my first game, which was really exciting. Many more games to go! It was a soccer game. When the team scores we throw free shirts to the crowd, which gets them amazingly hyped. Something for src to think about. I have learnt many other things, but I think this blog post is long enough, and its 3am.
Thanks to Bi Yi and nigel for the question from the last post. The hand over hand grip stays the same throughout the whole process, and doesn't change.
Take care guys, see you in a bit.
Cheers and love,
P.S. thanks lijing for handling those flowers for me.
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