Monday, July 12, 2010

9th 10th and 12th of july training

Hey guys this is gonna be a pretty long post because I had a crazy weekend, and only just found the time to do this. Anyway someone please comment something on my blog every now and then!! It feels like I'm blogging to myself. Alicia said my blog is inspiring so I must strive to keep it that way.

9th july 2010
Today coach Xue Wei lead training. I nearly died.

After the crazy pt that terence led, she made us do 2X5 rounds shoulderstand walk around the tennis courts, which removed my ability to lift my arms for a while.

I want to talk about something this training, which is about what Karen said. I personally feel that she is both right and wrong about several things (no offence karen.. i owe you one curry puff for the one training you came down as graduate). I think that we are very motivated about cheerleading and we do love the sport. But we have to show it! We will show it in the little things like smiling, telling each other to jia yo, and using every second to improve our skills. Our trainings would be so much more productive if we kept our spirits up, which in itself also requires some effort.

To end off this brief entry on this training( brief because it was some time ago and I don't remember much) here is Mics 221 twist up, with coach cuz the ones that involved me as a tosser sucked. Thanks a lot, mic.

10th july 2010 tumbling

Attendance today was terrible.

anyway, a little more on the backtuck. Now I'm beginning to see the full picture of it. I realise that I must really appreciate the feeling of jumping up first, then rotating. Once again stating the obvious, but its so easy to lose sight of it when the anxiety comes in.

Today was also my first time trying the progression of round off onto crash mat and doing a backward roll. feels good, but to do the real thing requires another testicle altogether. However, I find myself straying to the right doing it. Need to find out what the problem is.

And today I managed to toss weiting to hands! By right I won the bet with Terence, which is that the first to hit that gets a supper treat from the other. This bugga is whelching on that bet, and that is bad Karma, bad karma which I intend to carry out when I have the element of surprise. Watch out, baldy.

Alicia and Annie were also able to hit hands with me. Shows that all things are possible. Don't give up and keep reaching for that stunt!

12th july 2010

Aaaand todays training. Today was tumbling again, and I can see the immense effort everyone is putting in.

However, I would like everyone to realise something I had realised about tumbling a while ago. Tumbling requires you to break many instincts, many things that you would naturally and impulsively do to protect yourself. So when you tumble, many mistakes and problems arise from this, and they slowly become habits, which in turn cause you to repetitively do the wrong thing. And you will find yourself stuck. Many times I had to ask myself what is it I am doing wrong and realise that many of my mistakes boil down to instincts which transform to habit. Once you are able to break them you will find a whole new sense of freedom in tumbling

Alpha Joe


  1. Hahahaha Joe your laughter right after you hit TTH with Wei Ting is DAMN funny. Jiayou and see I commented!! (:

  2. Anyway, nice one Wei Ting!!!!!!! =DDD Terence and you too Joe! =DD

  3. Good job!!! Haha. Maybe your next challenge is do TTH with congren or vincent or xuanyu? :P

  4. I see great progression in the team. and congrats on your personal progress.

  5. why I don't have curry puff :(

  6. Btw, the fish seems to have become fatter. maybe many ppl fed it
