Saturday, April 24, 2010


To blow off some exam steam today Carmon and I had another round of training, and boomshakalaka, we hit continuous toss to hand extension.

First time for both her and myself to ever hit a stunt like that.

I must really commend her for her fighting spirit. At the 24th out of the targeted 30 hits, she fell off an unstable stunt, and when I bear hugged her, sprained her finger (again) but she continued for the last six to hit our target. (nods proudly)

Some things I would like to point out that I learnt when doing this stunt.
  1. Now posture of the base is of paramount importance. The stunt, being continuous, involves a lot of movement and the base won't be locked till the extension. Therefore the base must keep his back straight, his elbows in, and use his knees.
  2. When I continued into the press up I tended to sag my hands. When I dipped for the second time to press up I found that my hands would go down as well. This has to be avoided, as you may risk leaving your hands behind when you stand up from the dip. Keep your hands locked in position once the flyer is up.
  3. The toss here has to be pretty perfect too. With such a dynamic stunt, its easy to lose focus on the initial basic part of the stunt, the toss. Always keep that part in mind, as with all other stunts. You're not gonna hit the high level part later if you're not even focussing on the present, most basic parts. For the toss, keep your elbows in and back straight, and toss every toss like its your last toss.

Anyway kudos to my flyer today. Really good job sucking up the pain and continuing. I had expected nothing less of you.

Anyway I would like to end this with a quote I came up with, which is a good reminder to yourself everytime you're stunting.

"Relaxed Mind. Firm Body."

Study hard, Cheer harder
Alpha Joe


  1. btw i love feeding the fish!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. good to see u keeping fit joe! looking forward to training with u guys again!
    btw my blog is

    cheer on and study hard! :D
